Artists Against Trafficking

Artists Against Trafficking

We create and display art at exhibits to raise awareness to human trafficking. Our goal for Artists Against Trafficking is to bring creative minds together to aid in the fight against human trafficking. Oftentimes, the conversation about human trafficking leaves us feeling helpless and holds us back from taking action.

That really shouldn’t be the case.

Our mission is to provide guests who visit our galleries with the tools and resources they'll need to get involved with local organizations in Missouri that seek to bring an end to the human trafficking industry. We are firm believers that art can speak louder than words. A statistic about annual reports of human trafficking incidents is just a number until you see 11,500 fingerprints sharing a frame. That’s why we’ve chosen to communicate through our art.

Together, we can create something beautiful and end something terrible.

Who We Serve
We serve survivors by offering a platform for them to share their stories through art.
We serve local artists who are interested in contributing to our gallery and/or collaborating with survivors to further express their stories and message through various media of artwork.
We also serve our community by sharing information about local non-profits at our galleries in an effort to provide attainable and effective action steps for the guests attending.

Artists Against Trafficking is sponsored by an organization called The Cause which provides us with a 501(c)3 covering. Because of this, your donations are tax-deductible.

To send your support by check, please make your check out to The Cause Inc with "Artists" in the memo and mail to: 4225 Oceanside Blvd H-325, Oceanside CA 92056