Staff Support - M Funke

About Staff Support - M Funke

Morgan, our fearless leader, has been working in the nonprofit field for over 15 years. She is an amazing project strategist with strong gifting in encouragement, community, and networking. We couldn't do The Cause without her!

More info about Morgan: In 2008, she co-founded a nonprofit homeless outreach alongside her sister Molly. That project, Fill-A-Belly, is still operating today. She has traveled to over 30 countries - including 9 trips to Africa - and has walked across Swaziland (now called eSwatini) in addition to doing missions work all over the world. Morgan has become a sought-after nonprofit consultant and event speaker. While she admits to losing at yoga and hating Pinterest projects, she loves to “win” cross-training at her local gym and throwing awesome parties.